Friday, August 28, 2015

Eyes Wide Open

In 2009, after being inspired by the book “In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day,” Lacey and I  made a Bucket List and started doing all of the things that we said we would do one day. For me, it was a chance to face some of my fears. We started out going to Six Flags. This doesn’t seem scary to most people, but I was scared of riding rollercoasters and still do not care for them. (Unfortunately, Lacey and Sophie love them!) I did it and we moved on from there to do more extreme things for the next 2 years.

However, while we were at Six Flags, I closed my eyes when the ride would get to the scariest point. At the time, I was content with “just doing it” and writing it off my Bucket List. I had no intention of enjoying it and just wanted to be able to say that I did it!
I think I missed the point. 
Lacey called me out on it and I was confident to never close my eyes again. So when we went skydiving, I had 2 goals: Jump and keep your eyes open for the whole experience. I realized how fun life can be if my eyes are always open and looking at the adventure that is hidden in everything. 

While I am in Ecuador, I could easily fall into that same thought. Lacey and I both got sick while we were in Indiana and it continued in Loja. I also got traveler’s sickness when we arrived in Quito. These things along with an adjustment to the new altitude were prime for me to close my eyes, focus on my issues, and just get through situations. I become selfish and do not think about the needs of people around me like Sophie and Lacey because I have closed my eyes and chose to worry about myself. I would still try to do everything like I did at Six Flags, but I would not be intentional about  them and be in danger of missing out on a great opportunity like sharing The Good News with a stranger or mentoring Sophie. It is like going to a wedding, but not congratulating the bride or groom. Hey, I went! Isn't that what counts? 

It is not about going because anybody can do that. It is about what we do and how we glorify God even in our struggles where ever we go.

I want to have my eyes wide open for every part of this experience especially during the challenging times. I want to see how God will work in every situation. I do not want to have any regrets at the end of our time here. I truly believe that our toughest and most challenging moments will be our most rewarding and memorable adventures. 

Last week, we hitchhiked from one town to another and were all packed into this small truck and spent the next 3 hours speeding around sharp curves while passing buses on a one lane highway. We would pass on a sharp curve and barely miss an on coming vehicle. I was fortunate to be crammed in the front seat and got to keep my eyes wide open for an exciting rollercoaster ride. 

Lord, when my eyes are open, I can clearly see how you are working in my life. 

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Taking time to catch up a bit and I love this post and what you shared! A great lesson for most of us!
